Natural Healing
Today I’m leaving to travel cross country, and it has me excited to talk about one of the cooler studies I’ve come across. I’ll be visiting Big Bend National Park among others on my way to New Mexico, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Nature has always been a place where I have found peace, and now studies are coming out that support nature as a powerful force in recovering from PTSD.
According to these studies, it is the feeling of awe at nature that has the highest bearing on a person’s sense of happiness and well-being. Compared to the other emotions tested, such as joy, amusement, and contentment, awe has the strongest effect on an individual’s happiness. So what did the study find? A week after immersion in nature, nearly a 30% decrease in symptom severity occurs. For those of us with PTSD, this concept is probably not a huge surprise. I know when I’m in nature, I’m usually at my calmest and most peaceful.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s because nature forces me to turn outward. It’s very easy to get trapped in your own head when you’re struggling with mental health issues, and being forcibly turned outward, nerves to the wind, can be a very powerful experience. In effect, nature forces one to circumnavigate a lot of PTSD symptoms, approximately 30% according to the new data. So here’s to nature. If you’re struggling with mental health problems, make a point to get out among the mountains and trees. If you aren’t, give it a try anyway. You’re likely to feel much happier and healthier. Happy hiking!
Mr. K,
I love how this piece emphasizes how nature and natural remedies are one of the best if not the best cures for ailments. I have been studying medicinal plants in a lab for the past two weeks now and have learned that some of these plants work as well if not better than manufactured antibiotics and other drugs. It is exciting for me to see how we as humans are unable to replicate what we see in nature, and so we ought to have awe over the nature that was created around us. Thanks you all you do, and God bless.
Apologies for the delay. You’re exactly right about the healthcare system. We opt for the newest, most expensive options that make healthcare in this country so unaffordable. I’m quite glad that the world is finally catching onto holistic healing. Don’t get me wrong, traditional medicine is very practical in many circumstances, but with regards to certain aspects of mental health, there are a surprising number of answers that are being discovered. Art therapy is actually becoming one of the fastest growing treatments for PTSD/CPTSD, and that was one of the reasons I started the Artistry in the first place. I couldn’t agree more that awe over nature is essential to life. I wish more people would start getting outside. That’s a scary trend in today’s youth, both your generation and mine.
Thanks for commenting, and have a great day.
I couldn’t agree more and the sensation remains strong in old age.
Frank Edwards.
There are actually studies coming out currently that talk about the importance of being in nature as we age too. These studies highlight just how much happiness and fulfillment we can derive from nature. I’m glad to hear that you have experienced the same sensation. It’s amazing what Nature can do.