Sleep and Nightmares

You get to know yourself really well at 3:00 in the morning. There’s something about that exact moment that is deader than the other hours of the night. 2:00 serves as the dregs of social nights. At 4:00 you can feel the still-hidden sun creeping slowly toward a new day. But at 3:00 you are…

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What Does An Emotional Flashback Feel Like?

One of the most common questions I receive about my CPTSD is what an emotional flashback feels like. It’s a question that, even after reading hundreds of people’s descriptions of them, I have yet to come across a good answer. Admittedly, each person’s flashbacks are unique, but I wanted to share my best description of…

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Why Limited Editions?

When one of my therapists suggested that I use art to benefit my brain health, I knew very little about the science behind his suggestion. What I did know was that I found it very hard to work creatively when my flashbacks flared up. My creative drive, much like my physical drive, evaporated. In many…

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